10月8日—10日,世界职教院校联盟(WFCP)2018世界大会在澳大利亚墨尔本召开,来自世界各国近8百名代表出席。会上揭晓了2018年度卓越奖获奖院校名单,我校荣获 “高等技术技能”奖项银奖,我校在创建世界一流铁路高职院校道路上进一步展示了国际影响力! 校长程时兴、外事处长刘励作为领奖代表受邀出席大会,在“未来的职业院校”研讨会上程校长作了题为“共建合作平台,共育铁路人才”的主旨发言,并分享最佳实践案例。
World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) Congress 2018 was held in Melbourne Australia from October 8 to 10. Nearly 800 delegates from all over the world attended the congress, at which the award-winning institutions of Awards of Excellence 2018 were announced. WRC was the silver prize winner in the category of Higher Technical Skills, which demonstrates the college’s international influence in building a world-class railway vocational institution. Mr. Cheng Shixing, President of WRC and Ms. Liu Li, Director of Foreign Affairs Division were invited to attend the congress and President Cheng delivered a keynote speech titled Co-construct cooperation platforms, Co-cultivate railway talents and shared the best practices in the themetic session Future for Colleges and Polytechnics.
WFCP Awards of Excellence was set up in 2014 and presented every two years in seven categories including Access to Learning and Employment, Applied Research, Entrepreneurship, Green Colleges, Leadership Development, Higher Technical Skills, Student Support Services, each with gold, silver and bronze prize. A total of 21 institutions were honored at WFCP Congress 2018, among which 8 Chinese colleges got 1 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze prizes. In 2016, WRC was the bronze winner of Awards of Excellence in the category of Access to Learning and Employment.
The Chinese vocational education delegation attended Sino-NZ Research Forum 2018: The Entrepreneurial Institute in New Zealand after WFCP Wolrd Congress 2018 was closed, with the aim to consolidate and deepen Sino-NZ exchange and cooperation in the field of vocational education.